I thoroughly enjoyed the insights, the outstanding industry speakers and the vision of the incredible radio industry at the new format London Festival at the British Museum last week. Wow Chris Evans is inspiringly organised with his tv, radio and book multi-tasking, Spotify really are turning marketing on its head and the youth audiences are leading production and programming ideas with their flicking music channel habits. The market is dynamic and exciting in this new renaissance of audio – embrace it everybody its audio on demand and on the move and ever changing and podcasts are compelling.

Maximising your marketing is what it is all about!  Make your marketing and PR budgets go further.  Planning for 2014?  Allocating your budgets for marketing and wondering why it doesn’t go very far.

Let Nicki Bannerman PR help you plan and unite for short term marketing or long-term strategic alliance with other powerful luxury lifestyle and leisure brands.  Link with promotional media partners in press, social media or radio and send a  dramatic effective message to your wider audience and prospective customers.

Feel proud to be associated with another key brand with synergy, sponsorship or promotion, special events, competitions and rewards.  Awareness building to help get new audiences to think about, be enamoured with and even find out more about or try and  buy your product or service.

Luxury lifestyle and leisure brands already have the perfect affinity to streamline the message to other brand afficianados.  Luxury seekers and the aspirational gang will love your message.   However weeny  your budget for marketing and PR – by thinking outside the box and planning  relevant marketing partners can help make your brand be where you want it to be.  Go for it!


weststbottleBrands give a unique and powerful message reflecting their brand values and who their customers are subliminally without us even realising simply perceived through the typeface, tone of voice, images and photos and how contemporary or unusual the logo may be.

Marketing your brand in the right way is crucial to reflect the same image and to send the right message.

Public relations is important to give Kudos to your brand in the right media and maximise your marketing budget. By getting coverage on the right websites and blogs, and in the right newspapers and magazines you can speak to new and potential customers through editorial features and columns which can be even more effective than an advertisement and usually far less expensive.


By partnering with other brands and forming strategic alliances or promotional partners or long term brand partners – we can maximise our marketing spends joining forces to reach the customers with similar brand values and increasing the strength of our PR and marketing effectiveness.

Brands that are non-competitive and trying to target the same marketing groups can work together and can be introduced to each other.

We can highlight the potential opportunities and offer strategic marketing planning to achieve great results as we have done in the UK and Internationally for your annual budgets to stretch in today’s difficult economic times and plan for 2013 and 2014.

SmeidipicBy creating a press release and media kit as a professional tool and working on your behalf as your representative we can contact the right journalists across television, radio, magazine social media and blogging sites to tell a story about your brand.

Working with the correspondents interested in your story we can determine whether you need a news story, a photo, an editorial feature or a blog done to spread theword about your exciting luxury lifestyle product or service on your behalf.

Does the social media and digital blogsphere terrify you and do your eyes glaze over at the mere mention of hashtags and SEO – then let us demystify it for you, simplify and get you and your luxury lifstyle brand online.

Working with a number of associates depending upon your specialism product or service we recommend the digital and technical expert, we write the copy, reflect your needs and speak your language and message to reach your customers. We can help you acquire, source or get photographs taken and join them together as a brochure website to showcase who you are as a website.

Some blogs for now ….